26 Feb 2019

The staff recognition awards for last quarter were presented by Michael McDonnell this week to wining staff members; Lisa Mills (customer centred), Sean McGoldrick (dynamic) and Joyce Wilson (trustworthy).

Lisa Mills, Customer Centred

Property Services Officer, Lisa Mills was nominated by Carol Ervine. Lisa Displays a professional attitude and is always fair in her approach. She is equitable to everyone while managing any challenges she faces.


Sean McGoldrick, Dynamic

Sean is a Building Surveyor and was nominated by Niall Sheridan. Having Sean’s professional skills in house ensures value for money, as external consultant fees are kept to a minimum.


Joyce Wilson, Trustworthy

As an income recovery officer Joyce was nominated by Carol Ervine. Joyce recently took on a new patch and worked relentlessly to bring all accounts up to date. She is diligent, trusted and has integrated well into the team.

Congratulations to Lisa, Sean and Joyce, keep up the good work!