23 Nov 2022

In recent days, bogus callers, claiming to be working on behalf of Choice, have been attempting to gain access to properties. Bogus callers can be very convincing. Anyone can be fooled.

Please follow these simple steps to avoid bogus callers and protect you and your home:

  • In all cases, a Choice staff member or contractor will contact you by telephone before visiting a property to arrange a suitable date and time to conduct a visit or repairs
  • Be on guard if someone turns up unexpectedly
  • Ask for ID from anyone who comes to your door, whether you expect them or not.  All Choice staff carry photographic ID and will not mind being asked to produce it
  • If in doubt, tell the caller to come back when someone else is home. A genuine caller will not mind rearranging your appointment
  • Do not feel embarrassed – genuine callers will expect you to be careful
  • If you feel threatened or in danger contact the police immediately on 999.


If you see something suspicious in your area, or want more advice about doorstep crime, contact the police on 101.